Matthäus Feigk, M.A.
SNSF-Fellow, European and Global History (2014-2017)
University of Basel
CH-4020 Basel

  • European and Global History of the 19th and 20th Centuries
  • International Organizations and Transnational Networks
  • Theories and Methodologies of Global History
  • Missionary Movements and Transnational Actors
  • Interfaces between the History of Missions and the History of Religious Movements with Global History
  • The History of Colonialism and Imperialism

2014-2017: Fellow for the SNF-supported dissertation project "Zwischen Glaube, Handel und Internationalismus. Die Basler Mission als Globaler Akteur, 1910 - 1925" (How to be a Global Player: The Basel Mission between Faith, Trade and Internationalism, 1910-1925).

2013/2014: Scholarship holder (Startstipendium) of the Basel Graduate School of History

since October 2013: Doctoral Candidate at the Faculty of Humanities (History) of the University of Basel

2013: Master of Arts (Topic of Thesis: The Moravian Church from a Global-Historical Perspective. Exemplified by the Conflict with the White Fathers 1900- 1911)

2012 - 2014: Employee at the German Pharmacy Museum, Heidelberg

2009 - 2012: Tutor and Student Assistant at the Departments of Modern History and the Seminar for German Studies of the University of Heidelberg

2005 - 2013: Studies of History, German Studies, and Auxiliary Sciences of History at the University of Heidelberg