Media Appearances

/ People
Rolf Weder und Teresa Pullano zur Wahl Donald Trumps
Prof. Dr. Rolf Weder und Prof. Dr. Teresa Pullano haben in der Presse Stellung zum Ergebnis der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen genommen. Weder gab der „Badischen Zeitung“ ein Interview, Pullanos Kommentar wird am 23. November bei „Radio SRF 2…
/ Research
The Political Consequences of the Brexit
Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Assistant Professor of European Global Studies Teresa Pullano discusses the political consequences of the Brexit.
/ People
Interview with Teresa Pullano
Prof. Dr. Teresa Pullano is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies. Previously, she has worked at Sciences Po Paris, at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre, at Columbia University, New York, and at the…
/ Info
Teresa Pullano Comments in the Italian Daily Newspaper "il manifesto" on Current Developments in Greece
On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, the Italian daily newspaper il manifesto published an article by Teresa Pullano, Assistant Professor of European Global Studies, on the current developments in Greece. Download: