Talks and Public Appearances

/ Other
Teresa Pullano published an Srticle on the “Producing Public Opinion within the Space of the EU”
Prof. Teresa Pullano has published a new article on the topic of “Producing Public Opinion within the Space of the EU”. Taking the case of the Greek referendum of 2015 as an example, she uses her contribution to question the role of EU…
/ Other
Teresa Pullano has Edited and Translated the Book „Stato, Spazio, Urbanizzazione”
Prof. Teresa Pullano has edited and translated the book “Stato, Spazio, Urbanizzazione”. The edited volume assembles the various writings by the American political sociologist Neil Brenner on critical urban theory for an Italian-language…
/ Research
E-Journal "Global Europe" on Europe in Crisis
Europe in the world after the economic crisis since 2009 and the political crisis of 2015 is the topic of Prof. Dr. Teresa Pullano's latest publication. The article has been published in the e-journal "Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe…
/ Events
Podiumsdiskussion der Association Jean Monnet mit Teresa Pullano in Strasbourg
Prof. Teresa Pullano hat am 8. Juni in Strasbourg an einer Podiumsdiskussion zur Rolle von Flaggen und politischen Symbolen im Prozess der europäischen Einigung teilgenommen. Die Veranstaltung wurde von der Association Jean Monnet im…
/ Events
„Uni-Einblicke“ am Europainstitut
Studierende und Mitarbeitende der Universität Basel konnten am 10. März 2016 die interdisziplinäre Forschung am Europainstitut kennenlernen. Um 17 Uhr wurden eine Führung durch das Institut und Präsentationen über aktuelle…
/ Research
Working Lunch with Teresa Pullano
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at 12.15pm, the Institute for European Global Studies invited to a Working Lunch with Teresa Pullano, assistant professor of European Global Studies. The topic of her talk was “Statehood Restructuring in the EU: a…