Media Appearances

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Madeleine Herren-Oesch in the SNSF-Annual Report on the Relevance of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch spoke to Profile 2016-2017, the annual report of the Swiss National Science Foundatin (SNSF), about the role of the humanities and social sciences. In the interview, the Director of the Institute for…
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Madeleine Herren-Oesch speaks in SRF about 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
In an interview with the Swiss broadcasting company SRF, Prof. Madeleine Herren-Oesch spoke about the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The Treaty of Rome was signed on March 25, 1957, and led to the creation of the European…
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Madeleine Herren Participates in Debate on Right Wing Populism on "SRF2 Kontext"
Prof. Madeleine Herren-Oesch has participated in a debate on right-wing populism in Europe on the radio show SRF2 Kontext. The Bernese political scientist Dr. Regula Stämpfli and the sociologist Prof. Franz Schultheis (University of St.…
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Madeleine Herren in the NZZ about the Importance of Cultural Diversity for the Security of the Continent
Prof. Madeleine Herren-Oesch has written an article entitled "Sicherheit durch Vielfalt" (Security through diversity) for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). It was published on November 24. In her text, she explains the importance of…
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Neue Zürcher Zeitung reports about "NZZ Podium Berlin" with Madeleine Herren-Oesch
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) has reported on the "NZZ Podium Berlin", which Prof. Madeleine Herren-Oesch participated at on November 5. The topic of this debate was "Europe's Mess" - Europe's institutional weaknesses that are…
/ People
Madeleine Herren-Oesch zu Transregionaler Forschung
Transregionale Forschung ist das Thema eines Interviews mit Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch, Direktorin des Europainstitutes der Universität Basel. Der Beitrag ist in dem Weblog "TRAFO" des Forum Transregionale Studien und der Max Weber…
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Madeleine Herren-Oesch was interviewed by Radio Shows on SRF2 on the History of the League of Nations
The Swiss radio station SRF2 Kultur interviewed Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch for two radio shows. For the science program “Wissenschaftsmagazin”, the director of the Institute for European Global Studies was invited as an expert on…
/ People
Biographiepreis für Franziska Rogger und Madeleine Herren
Mit der Preisverleihung am 20. September wurden die Historikerinnen Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren und Dr. Franziska Rogger für die Biographie des "Dr. Leander Tomarkin" ausgezeichnet.