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European Studies: Made in Europe? Workshop in Basel
Where in the world is Europe studied? And what perspectives do scholars outside of Europe add to its study? This is the topic of the workshop ”European Studies: Made in Europe?” on May 14, 2019, in Basel. The event is organised by Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber.
Today, Europe is studied all across the world. This global reality, however, finds itself only rarely reflected in assessments of the state and practice of European Studies as an academic discipline. It is often assumed that the relevant scholarly centers of knowledge production about Europe are found largely if not exclusively in the global North. The workshop ”European Studies: Made in Europe?” challenges this premise, bringing into focus other regional centers and spaces of knowledge production. It thereby contributes to a more global perspective on European Studies.
The workshop takes place on May 14, 2019, at the Institute for European Global Studies (Gellertstrasse 27, Basel). To register for the event, please contact Ralph Weber (ralph.weber@clutterunibas.ch).
Ralph Weber is Assistant Professor of European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies in Basel. His research interests include comparative philosophy, Chinese political philosophy, Confucianism, Chinese politics, as well as methodological and conceptual aspects of translinguistic and transcultural research.
Further information can be found on the event flyer: