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Ralph Weber at Summer School in Dakar

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber, Assistant Professor for European Global Studies, taught at a Summer School taking place in Dakar, Senegal, from August 22 to 26. The event centered around the topic of "Interdisciplinarity in Area Studies". It was organized by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the Centre for African Studies, Basel (CASB).
The Summer School was attended by more than a dozen doctoral students from numerous African countries and from the University of Basel. Its classes related to various issues of research design in the context of interdisciplinarity, African studies, and the topic of fundamental versus applied research. Prof. Weber held a class on the challenge of relating knowledge to reality entitled "Realizing What Is Known".
This event constituted the second edition of the CODESRIA/CASB Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa. The Summer School sets out to stimulate and consolidate interdisciplinary approaches in research on Africa, but also on other regions of the world undertaken from within the African continent. It was led by Prof. Elisio Macamo (Basel University / Centre for African Studies, Basel). This year, he was assisted by Prof. Nkolo Foe (University of Yaoundé and Vice President of CODESRIA), Prof. Jean-Bernard Ouédraogo (CNRS / EHESS, Paris) and Prof. Ralph Weber (University of Basel / Institute for European Global Studies Basel).