The Politics of European Studies in Asia: Workshop in Basel

What drives research on Europe globally? And are European studies politicized in Asia? These are the key questions of a workshop titled „The Politics of European Studies in Asia” at the Institute for European Global Studies. The event was organized by Dr. Silvana Târlea and Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber and took place on April 25, 2018.
Researching and teaching Europe is not entirely concentrated in Europe or in the United States. Centers for European studies are active around the globe. While this is not entirely surprising, it still raises the question: what determines the interest in European studies outside of Europe? Is research on Europe at all politicized and, if it is, which factors matter? Is there a role played by the European Union in strengthening the research of Europe around the globe and to which extent is knowledge of Europe determined by domestic factors?
These questions were tackled by a number of contributions by speakers from the European Commission, but also Harvard University, the College of Europe, FLAME University in Pune, India, and the University of Basel.
The workshop „The Politics of European Studies in Asia” took place on April 25, 2018, at the Institute for European Global Studies.
Further information can be found on the event flyer: