Talks and Public Appearances

CES Madrid

/ Other

Ralph Weber and Silvana Târlea Participate in the Council for European Studies' Conference

From June 20-22, 2019, the 26th International Conference of Europeanists took place in Madrid, Spain. Ralph Weber and Silvana Târlea were among the speakers of the Council for European Studies’ gathering and had the opportunity to present…
Ralph Weber

/ People

Vortragsreihe von Ralph Weber an der Volkshochschule beider Basel

«China und seine globalen Ambitionen: Vernetzung als Geopolitik und Soft Power» war der Titel einer Vortragsreihe, die Ralph Weber im Juni 2019 an der Volkshochschule beider Basel angeboten hat. Ein zentrales Thema dabei war die sogenannte…

/ Research

Ralph Weber and Philippe Major at the Biannual Conference of the Nordic Association for Chinese Studies

“When China Faces the World” was the topic of the biannual conference of the Nordic Association of Chinese Studies on June 13-14, 2019. Ralph Weber and Philippe Major organized a panel and presented papers at the event in Bergen (Norway).
Key Visual der Vorlesungsreihe

/ Other

Ralph Weber spricht in Luzern über Aufklärung, Alterität und China

Auf Einladung der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Luzern hielt Ralph Weber am 8. Mai 2019 einen Vortrag im Rahmen der internationalen Vorlesungsreihe „Aufklärung und Alterität. Damals und heute“.
Ralph Weber

/ Events

Ralph Weber Speaks at foraus-China Policy Expert Talk in Basel

“The Chinese Party-State and Ideology” was the topic of an expert talk presented by Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber on March 26, 2019, in Basel. The talk was part of the China Policy Expert Talks, which are organized by foraus, a Swiss forum on…
European Studies: Made in Europe?

/ News, Events

European Studies: Made in Europe? Workshop in Basel

Where in the world is Europe studied? And what perspectives do scholars outside of Europe add to its study? This is the topic of the workshop ”European Studies: Made in Europe?” on May 14, 2019, in Basel. The event is organised by Prof.…
Ralph Weber

/ People

Ralph Weber Presents Keynote Lecture at the World Conference on Sinology

“Philosophy and Sinology: Friends or Foes?” was the title of a keynote lecture Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber presented at the World Conference on Sinology 2018. The conference focused on the topic “Understanding China” and took place from November…
University of Zurich

Ralph Weber Speaks at Conference in Zurich

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber has held a presentation on Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo at a conference at the University of Zurich. The conference titled ”Residual Futures: Rethinking Utopianism in Modern China” was held on October 3-6, 2018.
Summer School 2018

/ Events

Ralph Weber Teaches at Summer School in Dakar

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber, Assistant Professor for European Global Studies, was part of the teaching team of a summer school on African Studies and Area Studies in Africa. The topic of the event was “African Studies and Africanists: Whence the…
World Congress of Philosophy 2018

/ People

Ralph Weber, Xu Zhenxu, and Chan Yim Fong at the World Congress of Philosophy in Beijing

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber, Xu Zhenxu, and Chan Yim Fong have presented papers at the 24th World Congress of Philosophy. The event took place from August 13 to August 20, 2018, in Beijing, China. The congress sought to explore dimensions of the…