Talks and Public Appearances

/ Events, People
Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz
Sechs Jahre lang hat Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz am Europainstitut gelehrt und geforscht. Am 24. Mai 2023 hält sie ihre Abschiedsvorlesung zum Thema «Scales - Nodes - Joints – Globalisierung vor Ort». Die Veranstaltung findet um 17.15 Uhr…
/ Research
Building Paradise: New Book on the History of the "Sandgrube" by Susanna Burghartz and Madeleine Herren
In an 18th century summer house, Basel's global past comes to life. In a newly available book, Susanna Burghartz and Madeleine Herren discuss Basel's multi-faceted global interdependencies using the example of the Sandgrube and its…
/ People
Susanna Burghartz Elected Vice President of the Swiss Science Council
The Institute for European Global Studies congratulates Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz on new appointment as Vice President of the Swiss Science Council. We wish her all the best for her new role!
/ Studies, Events
Susanna Burghartz bei der Vortragsreihe «GloBâle – Basel global»
Über «Basler Bürger und ihre Netzwerke im 18. Jahrhundert» sprach Susanna Burghartz am 30. Januar 2020 bei der Vortragsreihe «GloBâle – Basel global». Die Veranstaltung fand wurde von der Volkshochschule beider Basel in Kooperation mit dem…
/ People
From January 1st, 2020, Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz is an elected member of the Swiss Science Council. With our sincere congratulations, the Institute for European Global Studies wishes her all the best for this interesting and demanding…
/ Other
Susanna Burghartz Comments on Opening Lecture at a Conference on Global Microhistory
«A Different Point of View: Scales, Spaces and Contexts in Histories of the Local and the Global» was the title of a conference on Global Microhistory that was held on May 17-19, 2018 at the University of Warwick. Prof. Susanna Burghartz…