/ Research
New Issue of the E-Journal «Global Europe»: Graduate Papers from the Institute

Three former students of the Master’s program in European Global Studies present their outstanding work in the 121st issue of the e-journal “Global Europe.” In their contributions, Irina Fehr, Stefan Kalberer, and Talin Marino approach different legal questions from inter- and multidisciplinary perspectives.
In the opening contribution, Irina Fehr explores the potential of city ID cards for irregular migrants. In particular, she analyzes the challenges that irregular migrants face when enforcing their rights in Switzerland. Her article focuses on situations of domestic violence and the right to victim support, and she concludes that a city ID card can be a valuable remedy. However, she also points out that much of its potential seems to depend on whether third parties officially recognize the card.
Stefan Kalberer’s article then addresses the question of how the Swiss parliament reacts to the internationalization of politics and the subsequent increase in the importance of foreign policy, analyzing the division of power between the legislature and the executive before looking into the practical relevance of these findings in a parliamentary debate. He concludes that the power of both authorities is not clearly defined – neither in the constitution nor in the respective laws.
The closing contribution by Talin Marino centers on the role of victims at the International Criminal Court (ICC). The status of victims at the ICC, as he demonstrates, is not automatically inherent to international criminal law, but rather the preliminary result of a legal development and a process of political negotiation. Marino traces this development along the stages of international criminal law and its institutions leading to the implementation of the ICC, and he detaches the concept of victimhood from a purely jurisprudential framework and transfers it to the concept of transitional justice. Thus, he illustrates that victim-specific norms have the potential for a restorative function.
About the Contributors
After completing her MA in European Global Studies in 2020, Irina Fehr (Twitter | LinkedIn) worked as a junior researcher at Tilburg University (Netherlands), where she analyzed migration trajectories and experiences of victimization along the journey. In September 2021, she started her PhD at Tilburg Law School, in which she conducts research on the EU migration control regime and practices of human trafficking and human smuggling at external EU borders.
Stefan Kalberer studied at the Institute for European Global Studies and obtained his MA in European Global Studies in the summer of 2020. After his studies, he worked at the Swiss parliamentarian service for different parliamentary commissions. He is engaged in several positions at foraus – Forum on Swiss foreign policy and is currently president of Democracy without Borders Switzerland.
Talin Marino worked and studied at the Institute for European Global Studies. After graduating from the University of Basel in 2019, he worked as an academic associate at the Mission of Switzerland to the EU in Brussels. He currently works as a policy advisor at a Swiss bank.
About the E-Journal
Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective is an academic e-journal showcasing the excellent research of graduates as well as other young and senior scholars interested in analyzing Europe and the EU in a global context. The Graduate Papers from the Institute of European Global Studies were published in June 2020 as the e-journal's issue nr. 119.
The journal is published in two issues per year. The publications are available as PDF-files via the open access platform of the University Library Basel as well as in the e-journal's archive on this site. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@clutterunibas.ch.