16 Apr 2014
12:30  - 14:00

Seminar Room, EIB, Gellertstrasse 27

Colloquium Series “Global Aging” with Willemijn de Jong

"Aging and social (in)security in Kerala, India: rethinking research topics, tools and policies"

Prof. Willemijn de Jong is Associate Professor at the Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Zürich. In her research and her publications she deals with migration and intercultural communication in Switzerland, work, marriage, gender and textile material culture as well as rituals and sociopolitical transformations in Flores, Eastern Indonesia, social security and old age in Kerala, South India, and on reproductive technologies and kinship in Switzerland and Euro-American contexts.

During the spring semester 2014, the Institute for European Global Studies organizes a colloquium series on the topic of “Global Aging”. During those interdisciplinary research colloquia, scholars of the Institute and other institutions present their research to the scientific community.

If you are interested in visiting the events of the colloquium series, please register at europa(at)unibas.ch.

The full program of the colloquium series is available for download:

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