University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, Room 107
Public Talk with Henrike Rudolph (University of Göttingen)
In recent years, digital humanities and network analysis have become major research trends across the fields of history, the social sciences, and area studies. Providing new opportunities to collect, evaluate, process, and analyze data and archival materials, the integration of digital humanities into researchers’ work has led to many groundbreaking results in the research world.
As part of the internal workshop "Digital Humanities and Network Analysis in Chinese Studies," Prof. Henrike Rudolph from the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen will present her current research project in her talk “Methodological Challenges in Analyzing Historical Social Networks: The Jiusan Study Society as an Exemplary Case Study.” The talk will be open to all interested members of the Institute.
The number of seats is limited. To attend the talk, please register by sending an email to by 22 April 2022.
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