/ Research
E-Journal "Global Europe": Switzerland and Telegraphy

A new issue of the e-journal "Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective" is available. Prof. Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer examines the development of telegraphy in Switzerland as well as the position of the country within a wider European and global communication network.
In his article titled "'Supplying the Public with a Comprehensive Telegraph System'": Switzerland and Telegraphic Communication, 1860-1915", the author looks at a number of markers regarding telegraphic development in Switzerland, both from a structural and from a use perspective. In particular, he analyzes how well-developed the Swiss telegraph network was during the period of observation and how the country compares to other countries. Thus, the article sheds light on how Switzerland was structurally integrated into a wider European and global network, and on how intensively the existing infrastructure was put to use. Furthermore, the study reveals what other countries across the globe the Swiss chose to communicate with telegraphically.
Roland Wenzlhuemer is Professor for Modern History at Heidelberg University. From April 2013 to March 2014, he worked as a Visiting Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. Previously, he was a Heisenberg Fellow of the German Research Foundation and a Junior Research Group Leader at the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" of Heidelberg University. His research interests include the history of technology as well as colonial and global history.
"Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective" is an academic e-journal. It provides insights into the excellent research of graduates, as well as other young and senior scientists who analyze the global implications of Europe and the European Union. The journal is published in four issues per year by the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. The publication is available on the Website www.europa.unibas.ch/global-europe. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@clutterunibas.ch.