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CANCELED: Europakolloquium with Nicolas Delalande

United Against Capitalism

Ralph Chaplin - Industrial Workers of the World journal "Solidarity" (June 30, 1917 issue) (Wikimedia Commons | Public Domain)

The Europakolloquium with Nicolas Delalande (Science Po, Paris) is canceled. The event, entitled «United against Capital. European Workers and the Practice of Transnational Labour Solidarity (c. 1860 – 1914)» was scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 6.15pm.

In the late 19th century, European workers struggled to build transnational solidarity practi­ces. It all started with the foundation of the International Workingmen’s Association in 1864, in a context marked by the increasing circulation of people, goods, and money. British, French, German, Swiss, and Italian workers would share information, coordinate strikes and demonstrations, and send money abroad when other workers were in need. But promoting international solidarity proved to be a tough challenge, ridden with potential ten­sions, misunderstandings, and failures. The practice of internationalism was closely related to larger intellectual and political debates, which shaped the history of European labour movements until World War One and beyond.

Nicolas Delalande is Assistant Professor at the Centre d'Histoire of Science Po in Paris, France. His fields of interest include the history of the state and of political economy in the contemporary era, the circulation of economic and administrative knowledge between Europe and the United States (1850-1950), and the history of anti-tax mobilizations and revolts.

The Europakolloquium is canceled. The event, which was organized by the Department of History and the Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel, was originally scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 6.15pm, at the Department of History (Hirschgässlein 21, seminar room 1).

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