
/ Organizational Unit

Institute for European Global Studies with new Directorate

The historian Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch resumes the management of the Institute for European Global Studies on 1 April 2013. At the same time, the institution widens its scientific focus: In addition to examining the European…

/ Organizational Unit

Konfuzius-Institut: Vereinbarung mit der East China Normal University

Heute Dienstag (14. Mai) konnte Rektor Prof. Antonio Loprieno mit seiner Unterschrift zwei Jahre lange Verhandlungen erfolgreich abschliessen: Mit der East China Normal University (ECNU) hat die Universität Basel nun nicht nur eine…

/ Other

50 Jahre Schweiz – Europarat

Vor 50 Jahren, am 6. Mai 1963, trat die Schweiz dem Europarat bei. Sie hat die Tätigkeit des Europarats in vielfältiger Weise mitgeprägt. Die Arbeit des Europarats ihrerseits hatte mannigfaltige Auswirkungen auf die Schweizer Rechtsordnung.

/ Organizational Unit

CfA: Visiting Fellowships

The Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel invites applications from qualified scholars to join the institute for a fixed-term Visiting Fellowship during the academic year 2013-14.

/ Organizational Unit

Relaunch of the Website

This website has been fundamentally revised in connection with the realignment of the institute. It is constantly updated and improved. Please visit us again.

/ Organizational Unit

New Issue of the Newsletter

A new issue of the institute’s newsletter has been published. It opens with an article by Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch. In addition, it includes reports about the Moot Court Final as well as the European Studies section.
Flyer of the photo competition

/ News

Photo Competition: “European Global Challenges and Chances”

Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Institute for European Global Studies launches a photo competition focusing on “European Global Challenges and Chances”. The best images will be exhibited at our institute and shared on social media. …