
/ News, Doctorate/PhD, People
New Book Publication about Migration Management in the EU by Sebastian Meyer
Sebastian Meyer has published his thesis on how EU member states manage migration between national sovereignty and EU membership. He is an expert in EU law, specializing in constitutional and institutional issues. His research focuses on EU…
/ News, Info
Christa Tobler im Interview über die Verhandlungen um das neue EU-Abkommen
Christa Tobler wurde von mehreren schweizerischen und deutschen Medien zu den aktuellen Verhandlungsergebnissen des Abkommens zwischen der Schweiz und der EU interviewt. Der größte Diskussionspunkt ist die vom Bundesrat vorgestellte…
/ News, Research, Organizational Unit, People
Ralph Weber ist Mitglied im neuen SNF-Forschungsrat
Ralph Weber wurde zum Mitglied des Forschungsrats des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) gewählt. Seit Anfang 2024 ist er als externer Experte im Fachausschuss Internationale Zusammenarbeit tätig gewesen. In seiner neuen Rolle wird er…Stay Connected – The Social Media Channels of the Institute
Research Project on the Chinese Room

The Global History of the Sandgrube
In a new research project at the Institute for European Global Studies, the research groups "Global History of Europe" and "Digital Humanities" explore the Sandgrube's Chinese Room. Using the Sandgrube, where the Institute has been located since 2019, as a material artefact, the groups investigate the traces left by centuries of global exchange in a local Basel environment.
Visit the project website: Basel's Global Paradise - Research in virtual reality and global history
FOCAL: The Asia Directories Database

Explore the Asia Directories and Chronicles
A new tool, the Asia Directories Database, now offers access to the names of approximately one million persons registered in The Foreign Residents Lists of the Asia Directories and Chronicles. Covering the entire area of East Asia and nearly one century (1863 to 1941), this publicly available data resource offers a unique insight into the dynamics and shifting societies formed by (primarily Western) foreign residents.
Learn more about the project and visit FOCAL: The Asia Directories Database


E-Journal "Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective"