Milan Matthiesen

Milan Matthiesen, M.A.
SNSF Fellow - Project: The Exterior of Philosophy: On the Practice of New Confucianism”
Institute for European Global Studies,
University of Basel
Riehenstrasse 154
CH-4058 Basel
Office 01.013

Tel.: +41 (0)61 207 48 73

  • New Confucianism in Taiwan and Hong Kong
  • Development of Modernity in the 19th and early 20th century in Europe and Asia
  • History of Philosophy, Conceptual History and the Sociology of Philosophy
  • Contemporary Political Theory

The Politics of Anti-Confucianism and Philosophical Argument: The Debates between Confucians and Liberals in 1950s Taiwan.

Since February 2019: Doctoral Candidate at the Faculty of Humanities (Political Science) of the University of Basel and member in the SNSF-funded research project <link de forschung european-global-knowledge-production the-exterior-of-philosophy internal link in current>The Exterior of Philosophy: On the Practice of New Confucianism

2016-2019: M.A. in Sinology (University of Hamburg), topic of Master’s thesis: ”The Political Thought of Mou Zongsan - Myth and Reason”

2014-2015: Language Program in Taipei (National Taiwan University)

2012-2016: Second B.A. in Sinology (University of Leipzig), topic of Bachelor’s thesis: ”The Reforms of Wang Anshi – An Evaluation of the Tang-Song Transformation”

2012-2013: Language Program in Beijing (Beijing Language and Culture University)

2010-2016: First B.A. in Political Science (University of Leipzig), topic of Bachelor’s thesis ”The (Im-)Possibility of the Representation of the Woman – Politics and Subjection”