Noureddine Wenger, M.A.
Assistant in European Global Studies
Institute for European Global Studies,
University of Basel
Riehenstrasse 154
CH-4058 Basel
Office 01.003
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 48 78
Global knowledge production
Global conceptual debates in the fields of sociology and philosophy (with a particular emphasis on the various calls for the "decolonization", "indigenization" or "Islamization" of these disciplines)
Intellectual entanglements between Europe and the Arab World
- Orientalism, Occidentalism, and the politics of imagining the "other"
- History of sociology in the Arab world
- Scholarly engagements with "postmodernity" and "postmodernism" in the Arab world
Modern Arab thought
- Modern and contemporary intellectual debates in the Arab world
- History of socialism, communism, and Marxism in the Arab world
- History of "postmodern" and "postcolonial" thought in the Arab world
Since December 2019: Assistant for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel
2016-2019: Student assistant at the Office for Diversity, University of Basel
2014-2019: M.A. in Sociology and Near and Middle Eastern Studies (University of Basel), title of master thesis: «Soziologie in arabischen Ländern: Einblicke in die Geschichte und Gegenwart einer Disziplin»
2013-2016: Student Assistant at Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Basel
2009-2014: B.A. in Sociology and Near and Middle Eastern Studies (“Islamwissenschaft”) (University of Basel), title of bachelor thesis: “Von der Zukünftigkeit der Gegenwart zur Gegenwärtigkeit der Zukunft: Eine Analyse der Zeitvorstellungen Paul Virilios”
Noureddine Wenger, «Koloniale Wissensproduktion und postkoloniale Neubestimmung: Die Dekolonisierung der Soziologie in Marokko». In: Blog of the Swiss Society for the Middle East and Islamic Cultures (SSMEIC), 11 June 2023, https://www.sagw.ch/sgmoik/archiv/blog/details/news/koloniale-wissensproduktion-und-postkoloniale-neubestimmung-die-dekolonisierung-der-soziologie-in-marokko.
Ataa Dabour et Noureddine Wenger, «Le Moyen-Orient, entre défis et opportunités». In: Anna Stünzi, Anna-Lina Müller, Markus Herrmann, Benno Zogg, Aurèle Cotton, and Ueli Staeger (eds.), Hinausschauen: 26 globale Entwicklungen und die Schweiz. Jeter un regard vers l’extérieur : 26 défis globaux et la Suisse, Basel: NZZ Libro, Schwabe Verlagsgruppe, 2023, 68–71.