Prof. Dr. Teresa Pullano
Lecturer for Transnational Law and Statehood
Institute for European Global Studies,
University of Basel
Riehenstrasse 154
CH-4058 Basel
(Office Hours by Appointment via Email)
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 48 67
Twitter: @teresa_pullano
My research and teaching are interdisciplinary, bringing together political science, law and political theory. My present research focuses on interpretations of the European Union as a process of statehood and territorial restructuring at the continental level. In line with the collective research on “European Global” studies we are conducting in Basel, I am developing also new lines of research aiming at studying EU’s processes and norms of transnational governance from the perspective of their connections to theories and experiences coming from the “outside” of Europe. I have a strong focus on issues of citizenship, connecting the legal, the political and the philosophical perspectives: how can we understand the genealogy and the transformation of forms of political subjectivity in the present?
I have a background in philosophy and I obtained a PhD in Political Theory at Sciences Po, in Paris (2009). In particular, my area of specialization is continental political theory and political philosophy, having worked and taught on authors such as Georges Bataille, Alexandre Kojève, Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault and Nicos Poulantzas, among others. My approach lies at the intersection of conceptual and empirical work: I use the concepts elaborated by political theorists and political philosophers to decipher contemporary political events, and, on the other side, I analyze current tensions and contradictions in empirical phenomena as a source for reconceptualizing the classical themes of political theory.
Africanizing Europe (ongoing book project)
Teresa Pullano was born in Italy in 1977. She studied philosophy at the Università degli Studi di Pavia and received her M.A. in political theory as well as her doctorate (2009) from the Institut d'études politiques (Science Po) in Paris, where she was associate professor from 2010 to 2011. As a visiting researcher, she spent time at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre and at Columbia University in New York. Furthermore, she held a postdoc position at the Université libre de Bruxelles.
Pullano, Teresa, Kojève et l'Europe comme Empire du Droit, Philosophie 135 (2017), 54-77
Pullano, Teresa, Georges Bataille as a Thinker of Statehood: A Relational and Materialist Approach, in: Stronge, Will (Hrsg.), Georges Bataille and Contemporary Thought, London 2017, 95-116
Pullano, Teresa, La production d'une opinion publique dans l'espace européen. Le cas du référendum grec de 2015, Politique européenne 4 (2016), 54, 58-83.
Pullano, Teresa, La citoyenneté européenne. Un espace quasi-étatique, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014.
Regarding the supervision of Master Theses in European Global Studies, I am happy to consider enquiries from students on the following topics:
- European integration, legal and political aspects. In particular:
- EU citizenship policies and legal aspects;
- Free movement policies and law within the EU and with respect to third country nationals;
- EU migration policies and regulations;
- Theories and methods of European integration and EU studies;
- Governance, governmentality and the EU;
- Theories of the State; democratic theory and their application to EU institutions and debates;
- Political parties and EU integration, Euroscepticism;
- Dynamics of integration and disintegration in contemporary EU politics;
- Legal and social theory and EU integration;
- EU integration and globalization: political, legal and social aspects.
- Social and political theory, citizenship and democracy:
- Continental political philosophy, in particular: Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Marx and Marxism, Carl Schmitt, Nicos Poulantzas, Henri Lefebvre;
- Contemporary debates in continental political philosophy;
- Methods and theories of applied political philosophy;
- Citizenship studies, theories of political subjectivity;
- State theory, debates from legal modern theory to contemporary social, legal and political theory;
- Theories of space formation/everyday life: critical theories of urban studies; right to the city and space and the everyday life;
- Citizenship struggles in Europe and beyond, orientalism and post-colonial studies;
- Critical debates and democratic theory.
You are also encouraged to read the information on on-going research on Transnational Law and Statehood.