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Christa Tobler Gives Public Lectures on the Legal Relationship Between the EU and Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler gave two public presentations on the legal relationship between the EU and Switzerland following the vote of 9 February 2014 on the so-called mass immigration initiative: On 25 September 2014, she spoke at two public events, one organised by the Forum für Universität und Gesellschaft of the University of Berne, on the subject "Eigenbrötler oder Global Player: Welche Schweiz wollten wir?" (Excentric loner or Global Player: Which role do we want for Switzerland?). This presentation concerned specifically the relation of Switzerland to the EU’s internal market. It was entitled: "Optionen nach dem 9. Februar 2014: Wie steht die Schweiz zum EU-Binnenmarkt?" (Options after 9 February 2014: how does Switzerland relate to the EU internal market?). The other presentation, entitled "Masseneinwanderungsinitiative und bilaterale Verträge – wie weiter?" (The mass immigration initiative and the bilateral treaties – what now?) was held at a congress of trustees’ offices (The Davos Congress Treuhand) of the Unternehmer Forum in Davos, Switzerland.