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Christa Tobler Publishes Article on Draft of the Swiss-EU Agreement and the Current Options

“Whereto with the draft institutional agreement?” is the question at the core of a new article by Christa Tobler, which was published on the academic and journalistic website EFTA-Studies.org. In her text, the legal scholar summarizes the main options that are currently discussed in Switzerland and comments on the complexity of the situation.
In 2018, the Swiss Federal Government published the draft text of a Swiss-EU agreement intended to adapt the institutional rules of five existing EU Agreements. Since then, an internal Swiss debate has been going on relating to the draft text and possible avenues for the future.
EFTA-Studies.org is an academic and journalistic forum of debate on the countries of the European Free Trade Association and their relations with the EU. It seeks to promote the exchange between researchers from the different EFTA-countries as well as between academia, media, and politics.
Christa Tobler ist Professorin für Europarecht am Europainstitut Basel. In ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich mit dem rechtlichen Verhältnis zwischen der Schweiz und der Europäischen Union sowie mit Fragen der Rechtsgleichheit und Diskriminierung.
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