Media Appearances


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Christa Tobler Speaks about the Treaties of Schengen and Dublin during the "Refugee Crisis" on the Radio Show "Echo der Zeit"

The radio show "Echo der Zeit" (SRF 4) has interviewed Prof. Christa Tobler. She spoke about the treaties of Schengen and Dublin and their future in view of the current refugee crisis. Christa Tobler is Professor of Law at the Institute…

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Christa Tobler and Laurent Goetschel äussern sich zur Ernennung Jacques de Wattevilles zum Chefunterhändler der Schweiz in den EU-Verhandlungen

Prof. Laurent Goetschel und Prof. Christa Tobler haben sich zur Ernennung Jacques de Wattevilles zum Chefunterhändler der Schweiz in ihren Verhandlungen mit der EU geäussert. Laurent Goetschel sprach mit dem Nachrichtenmagazin SRF 4 News…

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EIB-Experten zu Verhandlungen zwischen der Schweiz und der EU

Laurent Goetschel, Professor für Politikwissenschaft, und Christa Tobler, Professorin für Europarecht, haben sich in unterschiedlichen Medien zu den Verhandlungen der Schweiz mit der EU geäussert. Beide nahmen Stellung zur Ernennung Jacques…

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Christa Tobler and Teresa Pullano Comment on SRF-Programs on the Current Debate about Greece

The Swiss Television (SRF) interviewed Christa Tobler and Teresa Pullano, both professors at the Institute for European Global Studies, about the current developments in the relationship between Greece and the EU. Teresa Pullano, …

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Teresa Pullano and Christa Tobler as Experts on Greek Debt Crisis

[Translate to English:] Christa Tobler und Teresa Pullano, beide Professorinnen am Europainstitut der Universität Basel, äusserten sich in unterschiedlichen Medien aus der Schweiz und Italien zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen in der…

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Christa Tobler Speaks on SRF About the Possibility of a 'Safeguard Clause' the Mass Immigration Referendum

The Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) interviewed Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler for the radio show "Echo der Zeit" and the current affairs TV show "10vor10". In both programs, Christa Tobler discusses the possibility of a 'safeguard clause'…

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Expert Contribution by Christa Tobler in the Swiss Daily Newspaper "Neuen Zürcher Zeitung"

The Swiss daily newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung published an expert contribution by Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler, Professor of European Law at the Institute for European Global Studies. In the article on the free movement of persons, Tobler…

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Christa Tobler in NZZ on False Claims in the Discussion on the Bilateral Treaties Between Switzerland and the EU

The Swiss daily newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung interviewed Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler for an article on false claims by high EU representatives in the discussion on the bilateral treaties between Switzerland and the European Union. Read…

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Christa Tobler Expert on TV Show "SRF Arena" on the Implementation of the Federal Popular Initiative Against Mass Immigration

The political discussion show „Arena“, aired on the Swiss television channel SRF1, invited Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler as an expert on European law for an episode focusing on the implementation of the federal popular initiative against mass…

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Teresa Pullano and Christa Tobler Comment in the Tages-Anzeiger on Anxieties of Immigration to the Swiss Welfare System

The Swiss daily newspaper Tages-Anzeiger published an analytical contribution by Prof. Dr. Teresa Pullano and Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler. In their article, the two researchers of the Institute for European Global Studies explain why there…