Media Appearances

/ Other

Christa Tobler Gives Public Lectures on the Legal Relationship Between the EU and Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler gave two public presentations on the legal relationship between the EU and Switzerland following the vote of 9 February 2014 on the so-called mass immigration initiative: On 25 September 2014, she spoke at two…

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Christa Tobler Publishes Op-Ed Article on EU’s Negotiation Mandate in Institutional Affairs in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung

The Swiss daily newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung published an op-ed contribution by Prof. Christa Tobler on the EU’s negotiation mandate in institutional affairs.Read Article

/ Research

Personenfreizügigkeit im Kontext

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler, Professorin im Fachbereich Recht, über Bildung und Forschung im bilateralen Verhältnis mit der EU.

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Christa Tobler Comments in SRF-Segments on the Popular Vote in Favor of Limiting Immigration

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler received a number of media requests in context with the popular vote in favor of limiting immigration. On February 10, she participated in a SRF2 radio discussion. On February 14, she was as an expert in the SRF …

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Christa Tobler Appeared as an Expert on the SRF-Show "10vor10" on the Bilateral Agreement Between the EU and Switzerland

On October 17, 2013, Prof. Christa Tobler appeared as an expert on the bilateral agreement between the EU and Switzerland in the SRF news magazine "10vor10". View SRF Clip (in German only)

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Christa Tobler Comments on the SRF-Show "10vor10" on Accompanying Measures for Labor Law

On October 30, 2013, Prof. Christa Tobler appeared as an expert on accompanying measures for labor law in the SRF news magazine “10vor10”. Watch SRF Clip (in German only)

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Christa Tobler im Tagesgespräch von Radio SRF

Die EU will, dass sich die Schweiz stärker in Europa integriert, dass die Zeit der «Extrawürste» und «Sonderzüge» aufhört. Christa Tobler, Professorin für Europarecht am Europainstitut der Universität Basel, antwortet im Tagesgespräch des…