Media Appearances

/ Research
Christa Tobler Publishes Article in the Journal European Papers
“Free Movement of Persons in the EU v. in the EEA” is the title of a new article by Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler. Her contribution was published by European Papers, a journal devoted to academic debates on questions concerning the project of…
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Lob für Christa Tobler in der SRF2 Kultur-Sendung «Kontext»
Am Mittwoch, dem 23. Januar 2019, ging es in der Sendung «Kontext» auf Radio SRF2 um die Rolle von Expertinnen und Experten in Medien und Politik – und um die Gefahr, durch eine zu eindeutige Positionierung nicht mehr als «unabhängig» zu…
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Christa Tobler spricht in der «Corriere del Ticino» über das institutionelle Rahmenabkommen
In einem Interview mit der Tessiner Tageszeitung «Corriere del Ticino» sprach Christa Tobler, Professorin für Europarecht am Europainstitut der Universität Basel, über das institutionelle Rahmenabkommen zwischen der Schweiz und der…
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Christa Tobler in SRF Shows "Arena" and “Tagesschau” on the Institutional Framework with the EU
On December 7, 2018, Christa Tobler was invited to Swiss television’s show “Arena.” The debate focused on the draft of the institutional framework that was negotiated with the European Union, which will now be discussed in domestic…
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Christa Tobler Expert on SRF-„10vor10“ on Free Movement Directive
On November 29, 2018, the Swiss television's evening news programme "10vor10" has interviewed Christa Tobler about the European Union’s (EU) Free Movement Directive. A new bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the EU is currently…
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Christa Tobler on Two Swiss Television Shows on the Relationship Between Switzerland and the EU
Christa Tobler was invited as an expert on European law in the political program "Arena" on Swiss television on September 28, 2018. The topic were the consequences of the resignation of two members of the Swiss government for the legal…
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Christa Tobler Speaks on RTS Info About Bilateral Treaties
In an interview with the Swiss radio station RTS Info, Christa Tobler speaks about the bilateral treaties of Switzerland and the European Union. The interview was broadcast on August 6, 2018. Christa Tobler is Professor of European Law…
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Christa Tobler Speaks on Radio della Svizzera Italiana About Bilateral Treaties
In an interview with the Swiss radio station Radio della Svizzera Italiana, Christa Tobler speaks about the bilateral treaties of Switzerland and the European Union. The interview was broadcast on August 9, 2018, in the radio station’s noon…
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Christa Tobler über geplante Schiedsgerichte bei institutionellen Verhandlungen zwischen Schweiz und EU
Die beiden französischsprachigen Schweizer Tageszeitungen Tribune de Genève und 24 heures haben am 28. Mai 2018 ein Interview mit Prof. Christa Tobler veröffentlicht. Darin spricht die Europarechtsexpertin vom Europainstitut über die…