Talks and Public Appearances

[Translate to English:] Kurznachricht

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Christa Tobler Speaks About the Free Movement of Persons in Leuven

On March 30, 2018, the Institute for European Law of the KU Leuven organized the conference “EU Citizenship in Times of Brexit. The aim of the event was to explore different dimensions of the rights of EU citizens. In this context, Christa…
[Translate to English:] Palace of Westminster

/ People

Christa Tobler on Brexit in the House of Lords

On February 27, 2018, the EU Committee of the British House of Lords organized a hearing on the subject of Brexit and dispute settlement. Upon the Committee’s invitation, Christa Tobler, Professor of European Law at the Institute for…
Short News

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Christa Tobler Speaks in The Hague on the Settlement of Disputes Relating to Brexit

On 13 February 2018, the Dutch Foreign Ministry organised a Brexit conference on the effects of brexite in legal practice under international and European law. In the context of Switzerland's institutional negotiations with the EU,…

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Christa Tobler at the Café d'Europe in Bern

On November 23, 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler gave a talk about key questions regarding the framework agreement between Switzerland and the European Union (“Zentrale Fragestellungen des institutionellen Rahmenabkommens“) at the “Café…

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Christa Tobler Speaks at Lecture Series at the University of Vienna

On November 21, 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler was invited to Vienna to present a lecture on the topic of gender discriminations in European law under consideration of other impact factors. Her talk was part of a lecture series on gender…

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Christa Tobler Speaks at a Seminar of the Law Societies in Brussels

Prof. Christa Tobler gave a presentation on November 8, 2017, at a seminar organised by the “The Law Societies Joint Brussels Office”. The topic of her talk was “The ‘Swiss model’ with respect to enforcement”, an institutional aspect of…

/ Events

Europakolloquium: Wie weiter auf dem bilateralen Weg?

Unter welchen Umständen kann der bilaterale Weg zwischen der Schweiz und der EU fortgesetzt werden? Darum geht es in den derzeit laufenden Verhandlungen über ein sogenanntes institutionelles Abkommen. Prof. Christa Tobler spricht zu diesem…

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Christa Tobler Speaks at the Conference “Courting Europe No Longer” about Brexit

On June 24, 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler will speak at the conference “Courting Europe No Longer: The Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice” about Brexit. The event is organized by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law…

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Christa Tobler Participates in a Talk on Direct Democracy in Braunwald

On May 6, 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler participated in a talk on direct democracy. The panelists discussed whether the European Union might learn from the democratic practices of the Swiss cantonal assembly (“Landsgemeinde”). The talk was…

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Christa Tobler Speaks BENEFRI-Conference of European Law at the University of Fribourg

Prof. Christa Tobler spoke at the BENEFRI-Conference of European Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Fribourg about the legal framework of the "Brexit". The conference took place on April 25, 2017, in Fribourg and focused on…