/ Continuing Education
Ralph Weber at Basel Summer School in African Studies

"Normativity: The Politics of Values?" was the topic of a course taught by Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber at the 2021 Basel Summer School in African Studies. The 5th edition of the summer school was held under the theme "How Political is Knowledge?". It took place from September 13 to 17, 2021.
The 5th Basel Summer School in African Studies centered around the political economy of knowledge production in Africa. It investigated the relationship between knowledge and politics, reflecting on what it means to claim that knowledge is political. Does it mean that knowledge is a function of the exercise of power? What are the standards based on which we can validate knowledge? More broadly speaking, what is the basis of intelligibility in scholarly conversations?
Ralph Weber is Associate Professor of European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. He specializes in Political Theory, Chinese Politics, and modern Confucianism. Currently, he is the President of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy and the Chair of the Section on Political Theory in the Swiss Political Science Association.
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