Talks and Public Appearances

Visual Colloquium / Ralph Weber

/ News, Research

Ralph Weber at 53. Basler Renaissance Colloquium

Ralph Weber gave a talk titled "Meta-Renaissance between Concept and Global Phenomenon: Remarks on the Politics of Chinese Renaissance(s)" at the 53. Basler Renaissance Colloquium - "meta-renaissance(s)". The event took place on 3. November…
Fribourg city center / Ralph Weber

/ News, Research

Ralph Weber gave a presentation at the University of Fribourg

Ralph Weber gave a talk titled "Confucianism as Religion and as Pre-Comparative Tertium: On the Possibility and Limits of Comparison". His presentation was part of the conference "Comparison and Comparative Theology," held from 5-7…
Dictrict Gamla stan in Stockholm (links) / Porträt Ralph Weber (rechts)

/ News, Research

Ralph Weber at the 14th Network Europe Conference in Stockholm

On 26 September 2023, Ralph Weber gave a presentation at the "14 th Network Europe Conference EU Enlargement and European Integration: Challenges and Perspectives" in Stockholm. This international conference was organized by the European…
Key Visual European ISC Members Annual Meeting / Ralph Weber

/ News

Ralph Weber at the Annual Meeting of the International Science Council (ISC)

Ralph Weber gave a talk at the 6th Annual Meeting of European Members of the International Science Council (ISC) in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference took place from 14-15 September and brought together experts to discuss perspectives…
Foto: Logo Freiburger Montagsgesellschaft (links), Ralph Weber (rechts)

/ News

Ralph Weber bei «Freiburger Montagsgesellschaft»

Ralph Weber war zu Gast bei der «Freiburger Montagsgesellschaft». Im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung am 11. September hielt er einen Vortrag zum Thema «Kontinuität und Wandel des chinesischen Parteistaats unter Xi Jinping».
Potsdam, Neues Palais (©Klaus Bärwinkel, wikimedia commons)

/ News, Research

Institute for European Global Studies at the "16th Pan-European Conference on International Relations"

Four researchers of the Institute for European Global Studies participated at the "16th Pan-European Conference on International Relations". The conference on the topic "Envisioning a New Normal" took place from 5-9 September at the…
Europakolloquium «Neutralität, Souveränität, Globalität: Zum Verhältnis Schweiz-EU»

/ Events

Kooperative Souveränität? Europakolloquium zur Zukunft der Neutralität

Hat die Neutralität der Schweiz ihre Bedeutung im europäischen Kontext verloren? Bedeutet Souveränität Unabhängigkeit oder gibt es eine kooperative Souveränität? Diesen Fragen widmete sich das Europakolloquium am 3. Mai 2023. Zu Gast…
Worshop in Johannesburg

/ Research

Lerato Posholi and Ralph Weber Participate in Workshop at the University of Johannesburg

“Epistemic Injustice and Epistemic Decolonization” was the topic of a workshop organized by the African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science of the University of Johannesburg. The event took place on 9 March 2023 in the context…
Book Chapter by PD Dr. Simona Grano and Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber

/ Research

Building Bridges or Choosing Sides: New Book Chapter on the Swiss Position in US-China Relations

Can Switzerland afford to remain "neutral" between the US and China? Or will it have to give in to pressure from both the US and the EU to align more strongly with like-minded states? These are the central questions that Prof. Dr. Ralph…
Ralph Weber at the Signing of the MoU between Basel and Seoul

/ People

Town Twinning Basel-Seoul: Ralph Weber at Signing of MoU

On September 29, 2022, representatives of Basel and Seoul signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enter a town twinning. Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber was part of a delegation that participated in the ceremony. The group was headed by Beat…