Talks and Public Appearances

/ Continuing Education
Ralph Weber at Basel Summer School in African Studies
"Normativity: The Politics of Values?" was the topic of a course taught by Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber at the 2021 Basel Summer School in African Studies. The 5th edition of the summer school was held under the theme "How Political is…
/ Research
How to Interpret Political Texts? New Book by Martin Beckstein and Ralph Weber
In an insightful new book, Martin Beckstein and Ralph Weber guide the reader through eight different approaches to analyzing texts in political theory. For each approach, they detail advantages and limits as well as possibilities to combine…
/ People
Einblicke in Forschung: Ralph Weber am Gymnasium Leonhard
Die Sinologie-Studierenden von morgen? Ralph Weber hat bei einem Vortrag den Schülerinnen und Schülern des Gymnasium Leonhard seine Forschung vorgestellt. Die Präsentation mit dem Titel «Schweiz-VR China: Einblicke in die Forschungspraxis»…
/ People
Ralph Weber hält Vortrag beim 19. SwissMEM-Symposium
Das 19. Symposium der schweizerischen Maschinen-, Elektro- und Metall-Industrie (SwissMEM) widmete sich Perspektiven und Handlungsoptionen für Unternehmen. Ralph Weber hielt dazu einen Vortrag über die Zukunft schweizerisch-chinesischer…
/ People
Ralph Weber and Philippe Major Present Papers at EACS 2021
At the 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), Ralph Weber and Philippe Major contributed to a panel that presented “Inquiries into the Sociology of Modern Confucianism.” The research the two…
/ People
Methodological Questions in Intercultural Philosophy: Ralph Weber at Expert Panel
Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber has participated in an expert panel at the summer school "Philosophy in Times of Crisis – Theoretical Perspectives East and West". At the panel on methodological questions in intercultural philosophy, he was joined by…
/ Events
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Chinese Philosophy: Talk by Ralph Weber Now Online
Mixing concepts, perspectives and methods in interesting ways: Ralph Weber advocates an interdisciplinary approach to Chinese Philosophy in a talk that has recently been made available online. The presentation took place on March 26th,…
/ People
Towards Post-Comparative Philosophy: Interview with Ralph Weber
Becoming truly borderless: In a recent interview, Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber outlines his vision of a post-comparative philosophy. The discipline, he says, should allow philosophers to be informed by a global outlook and use a variety of styles…
/ People
Ralph Weber als China-Experte im Ständerat
Bei einer ausführlichen Debatte zur schweizerischen China-Politik ist Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber in der Aussenpolitischen Kommission des Ständerats angehört worden. In der Anhörung ging es um die China-Strategie des Bundesrats, die…