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Madeleine Herren and Isabella Löhr edit Special Issue on Global Biographies

„Lives Beyond Borders: A Social History, 1880-1950“ is the title of a new special issue of the historical journal Comparativ. It was edited by Prof. Madeleine Herren and Dr. Isabella Löhr, both scholars at the Institute for European Global Studies.

In her article “Lives Beyond Borders”, Isabella Löhr raises the question, how global biographies can be traced. Madeleine Herren’s contribution “Between Territoriality, Performativity, and Transcultural Entanglement” provides a typology of transboundary lives. Among the other authors of the special issue are Cornelia Knab, Frank Grüner and Benjamin Auberer. Cornelia Knab writes on civil society diplomacy, Frank Grüner analyses the cross-border activities and transnational biographies of adventurers in the Russian border town Harbin, and Benjamin Auberer provides insights into the border-crossing career of the New Zealander Joseph Vivian Wilson in the League of Nations Secretariat.

Prof. Madeleine Herren is director of the Institute for European Global Studies and professor of history. Her fields of interest cover European and global history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the history of international organisations, the development of transnational networks and border-crossing civil society activities, research on encyclopaedia, information transfer and information cultures, historiography and transcultural methodologies of history in the digital century.

Dr. Isabella Löhr is research assistant at the Institute for European Global Studies. Her fields of interest include the history European and global history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the social history of international organizations and of border-crossing civil society networks, history of science and of academic migration in the 20th century, intellectual property rights and cultural heritage, as well as theories and methodologies of global history.

Comparativis a scholarly journal of global history and comparative studies.

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