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EU-Swiss Relations under Pressure: New Publication by Christa Tobler

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler

Picture: Christa Tobler. Background: European Commission, Brussels, by EmDee, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0), clipping

The Swiss model for relations with the European Union is unique. But it is increasingly under strain, as Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler writes in a new book chapter titled ”The EU-Swiss Sectoral Approach Under Pressure: Not Least Because of Brexit”. The work is part of the volume ”EU External Relations Law” edited by Stefan Lorenzmeier, Roman Petrov and Christoph Vedder.

The debate in Switzerland around the issue of migration from the EU to Switzerland and the demand of the EU for a renewed institutional framework for certain market agreements have caused calls for a renegotiation of the relationship. Yet, whilst Switzerland is seeking special solutions in both respects, the EU's rhetoric is increasingly emphasising the need for homogeneity in the internal market. The issue is further complicated by the developments around Brexit.

Christa Tobler is Professor of European Law at the Institute for European Global Studies. Her research interests include the legal relations between Switzerland and the European Union as well as issues of equality before the law and discriminations.

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