
Keyvisual Lehrplan HS 2024

/ News, Studies

MA European Global Studies: neuer Lehrplan HS 2024

Der Lehrplan unseres MA European Global Studies für das Herbstsemester 2024 ist nun online verfügbar.
Agathe Mora during her presentation

/ News, Events

Working Lunch with Agathe Mora on property restitution in post-war Kosovo

Agathe Mora gave a presentation titled “Law-Washing the transitional state: the practice of property restitution in post-war Kosovo” during a working lunch held on 26 April 2024. The event was organized by the Institute for European Global…
Paul Blickle gives a presentation

/ News, Research, Events

Doctoral Colloquium PhD Project Lab

Last Friday, 3 May 2024, saw another iteration of the PhD Project Lab. Doctoral students from the University of Bonn and the University of Basel presented their research projects to an interdisciplinary audience of doctoral students as well…
Präsentation von Pouyan Dardashti

/ News, Events

Kamingespräch mit Pouyan Dardashti, CEO Thommen Gruppe

Auf Einladung der Fachgruppe European Global Studies war Pouyan Dardashti, CEO der Thommen Gruppe, am 23. April 2024 zu Gast beim Kamingespräch im Europainstitut. Das Thema des Abends war die Rolle von Recycling und der Kreislaufwirtschaft…

/ News, Research, Events

Talk by Prof. Jutta Bakonyi: "Capitalism, Infrastructural Power and Modular Statecraft"

The Institute for European Global Studies warmly invites members and students to a talk with Jutta Bakonyi, Professor of Development and Conflict at Durham University in the UK. The lecture titled "Capitalism, Infrastructural Power and…
EIB building "Sandgrube"

/ News, Research

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Political Science

The Department of Political Science at the University of Basel, Switzerland, is searching for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong training in qualitative methods and research interests in the field of international politics. The position is…
Thanushiyah Korn präsentiert ihre Forschung

/ News, Events

Vortrag «Schweiz-Ruandische Beziehungen vor dem Völkermord an Tutsi 1994» von Thanushiyah Korn

Das Europainstitut lud am 11. April 2024 zusammen mit dem Departement Geschichte der Universität Basel und der Basel Graduate School of History zum öffentlichen Abendvortrag «Schweiz-Ruandische Beziehungen vor dem Völkermord an Tutsi 1994»…
ERA Logo / Christa Tobler

/ News, People

Christa Tobler sprach über «Rechtsprechung des EuGH zu Geschlechtervielfalt und Diskriminierung»

Christa Tobler hielt am 16. April 2024 eine Präsentation über die Rechtsprechung des EuGH in Bezug auf Geschlechtervielfalt und Diskriminierung. Der Vortrag fand im Rahmen einer Online-Konferenz mit dem Titel «Rechtliche Aspekte der…
Event flyer

/ News, Events

Talk by Prof. Philippe Aghion (Collège de France, INSEAD and LSE)

The distinguished economist, Prof. Philippe Aghion (Collège de France, INSEAD and LSE), will deliver a lecture at the University of Basel on "The Power of Innovation and the Future of Capitalism". The event will take place on 30 May 2024,…
Toshiki Mogami gives hiy presentation

/ News, Events

Book Launch and Salon-Discussion with Prof. Toshiki Mogami

On April 3, 2024, Prof. em. Toshiki Mogami, Visiting Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies and former Professor of International Law and Organization at the International Christian University, Tokyo, and Waseda University…