Sorin Marti, B.A.
Research Associate Digital Services
Institute for European Global Studies,
University of Basel
Riehenstrasse 154
CH-4058 Basel
Office 00.027
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 48 81
- Structuring of historical data with digital methods
- Development of generic tools for collaborative research
Since 2021: Research Associate Digital Humanities. Processing of the «Asia-Directories» with digital methods
Since 2021: Master’s degree history & digital humanities, University of Basel
2020 - 2021: Software-Developer for «Transcriptiones». Developmentof a web platform for historic transcriptions at the Departement of History of the Universiy of Basel. Full stack development of the web application
2018 - 2021: Assistantat the Institute for European Global Studies. Collaboration in the preparation of the Asian directories. Conception and construction of a data normalization system, preparation, processing and post-processing of the digital corpus, automatic data processing
2018: Assistant at the Chair of Prof. Lengwiler, University of Basel. Research for the preparation of an ERC application
2017 - 2021: Bachelor’s degree history & german linguistics, University of Basel
2016 - 2021: Freelance software developer
2005 - 2016: Softwaredeveloperat Arocom AG