Media Appearances

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Christa Tobler has Published an Article on "Brexit"

Prof. Christa Tobler has published a new article on the consequences of the “Brexit”: contribution “After ‘Brexit’: will rights acquired in the context of the free movement of persons be protected?” Her contribution was published in the…

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Christa Tobler Expert in SRF Arena on the Free Movement of People

On May 5, 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler served as an expert on the talkshow SRF Arena. In light of the increasing suspicion of the borderless European community, the discussion focused on the question whether or not the regulations of the free…

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Christa Tobler Expert in "SRF Arena" on the Referendum on Mass Immigration

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler was invited to the talkshow SRF Arena on December 2, 2016. The discussion revolved around the so-called referendum on mass immigration. The referendum was passed in February 2014 and its results need to be…

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Christa Tobler on the So-Called Referendum on Mass Immigration in SRF "Tagesschau"

Prof. Christa Tobler was interviewed on SRF Tagesschau on October 30. In the interview, she assessed a three-pronged approach to implementing the so-called referendum on mass immigration. The approach has been adopted by the Swiss…

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Several Media quote Christa Tobler on the Proposed Labour Market Priority for Swiss Residents

Several media outlets have quoted Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler’s comments on the proposed labour market priority for Swiss residents. Prof. Tobler had been invited by the Council of States Committee on institutional matters to comment on…

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Christa Tobler Comments in Several Media on „Light“ Version of the Labour Market Priority for Swiss Nationals

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler has commented on the „light“ version of the labour market priority for Swiss nationals that is being pushed as a way of implementating the so-called referendum on mass immigration. Tobler was interviewed by SRF …

/ Research, Info

Christa Tobler published an Article on the Brexit on "influence"

Prof. Christa Tobler has written a piece for the portal influence. In it, she explains that there is no precedence for the legal consequences of Brexit, which is why many questions are left unanswered for now. She deems it little likely…

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Christa Tobler spoke with "NZZ am Sonntag" about the Consequences of Brexit

The newspaper NZZ am Sonntag has interviewed Prof. Christa Tobler about the consequences of the Brexit referendum for Switzerland. Tobler views Switzerland's bargaining position as weakened by the Brexit. She said that the EU was…

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Brexit und die Folgen

Das Votum der Briten für einen Austritt aus der Europäischen Union ist zurzeit das bestimmende Thema am Europainstitut. In unterschiedlichen Medien schätzen die Wissenschaftler die Folgen des Referendums ein.

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Christa Tobler Comments on the British EU Referendum

Prof. Christa Tobler was interviewed on the occasion of the British EU referendum. In the interview, she explained what consequences the referendum could have for Switzerland. The interview was shared by several media outlets such as …