Media Appearances


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Christa Tobler Comments in Several Media on „Light“ Version of the Labour Market Priority for Swiss Nationals

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler has commented on the „light“ version of the labour market priority for Swiss nationals that is being pushed as a way of implementating the so-called referendum on mass immigration. Tobler was interviewed by SRF …

/ Research, Info

Christa Tobler published an Article on the Brexit on "influence"

Prof. Christa Tobler has written a piece for the portal influence. In it, she explains that there is no precedence for the legal consequences of Brexit, which is why many questions are left unanswered for now. She deems it little likely…

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Christa Tobler spoke with "NZZ am Sonntag" about the Consequences of Brexit

The newspaper NZZ am Sonntag has interviewed Prof. Christa Tobler about the consequences of the Brexit referendum for Switzerland. Tobler views Switzerland's bargaining position as weakened by the Brexit. She said that the EU was…

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Brexit und die Folgen

Das Votum der Briten für einen Austritt aus der Europäischen Union ist zurzeit das bestimmende Thema am Europainstitut. In unterschiedlichen Medien schätzen die Wissenschaftler die Folgen des Referendums ein.

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Christa Tobler Comments on the British EU Referendum

Prof. Christa Tobler was interviewed on the occasion of the British EU referendum. In the interview, she explained what consequences the referendum could have for Switzerland. The interview was shared by several media outlets such as …

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Christa Tobler Comments in "Tages-Anzeiger" on the Croatia Protocol by the Council of States

Prof. Christa Tobler has commented on the vote in favor of the Croatia Protocol by the Council of States in an interview with the Tages-Anzeiger. Tobler criticized the conditions connected to the acceptance. She emphasized that these…

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Christa Tobler Speaks on SRF4 about the Dutch Referendum on the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement

Prof. Christa Tobler has been interviewed by the radio station SRF4. In the interview, she commented on the Dutch referendum on the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement. Christa Tobler is a Professor of Law at the Institute for…

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Christa Tobler speaks in the "SRF Tagesschau" about the EU's Deal with Great Britain

Prof. Christa Tobler has been interviewed by the SRF Tagesschau. The topic of the interview was the recent deal between the EU and Great Britain. According to Tobler, it is possible that the EU might grant special rights to Switzerland…

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Christa Tobler on "SRF4 News Aktuell" about the Proposal of a Permanent Priority Clause for Swiss Workers

Prof. Christa Tobler has been interviewed by SRF4 News Aktuell. In the interview, she discussed the possibility of a permanent priority clause for Swiss workers as proposed by Philipp Müller, President of the party FDP.The Liberals.…

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Christa Tobler on "SRF4 HeuteMorgen" about Possible Concessions of the EU to Great Britain

Prof. Christa Tobler has been invited to the radio show SRF4 HeuteMorgen. On February 3, she commented on the offer which the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, wants to make the UK concerning special provisions for welfare…