/ Research
"Citizenship of the Association": New Publication by Christa Tobler
While European Union citizenship is limited to nationals of the Member States, bilateral EU-agreements can establish rights for third country nationals. A new handbook contribution by Christa Tobler and Narin Idriz examines two such agreements, namely the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement and the EU–Swiss Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons. The authors compare the rights bestowed upon EU citizens with those of Swiss and Turkish nationals and assess to what extent these rights amount to "differentiated citizenship" or a "citizenship of the Association". The chapter titled "Citizenship of the Association: the examples of Turkey and Switzerland" was published in the "Research Handbook on European Union Citizenship Law and Policy", edited by Dora Kostakopoulou and Daniel Thym and published March 2022.
The "Research Handbook on European Union Citizenship Law and Policy" provides a panoramic guide to the study and research of EU citizenship and its development within a challenging environment characterised by restrictive access to social benefits, Brexit, Euroscepticism and Covid-19. It combines theoretical perspectives with analyses of both the existing and future rights, duties and social protection that EU citizens ought to enjoy in a democratic and principled European Union.
Christa Tobler is Professor of European Law at the Institute for European Global Studies. Her research interests include the legal relations between Switzerland and the European Union as well as issues of equality before the law and discriminations.
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