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Towards Post-Comparative Philosophy: Interview with Ralph Weber
Becoming truly borderless: In a recent interview, Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber outlines his vision of a post-comparative philosophy. The discipline, he says, should allow philosophers to be informed by a global outlook and use a variety of styles and conceptualizations from different traditions. The dialogue with Prof. Dr. Nevad Kahteran (University of Sarajevo) was published in "Asian Studies" and will also be part of Kahteran's forthcoming book "Philosophizing at the Big Fault Line: The Role of Comparative Philosophy".
Eurocentrism and methodological challenges in comparative philosophy are key issues that Weber seeks to adress. His book "Comparative Philosophy without Borders" (co-edited with Arindam Chakrabarti) analyzes previous approaches to comparative philosophy and offers paths towards post-comparative avenues.
Ralph Weber is Associate Professor of European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. He specializes in Political Theory, Chinese Politics, and modern Confucianism. Currently, he is the President of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy and the Chair of the Section on Political Theory in the Swiss Political Science Association.
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