Dominique Biehl

Dominique Biehl studied history at Heidelberg University and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. His research interests include European and global history of the 19th and 20th century as well as military history. He is currently working at the Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel as coordinator of the Graduate Program and the MA program in European Global Studies.
Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz
![[Translate to English:] Susanna Burghartz](/fileadmin/user_upload/europa/Personen/Professuren/Alte_Bilder/susanna_burghartz.jpg?1494273211)
Susanna Burghartz is professor of early modern history at the Department of History and the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. In her research and teaching, she focuses in particular on the history of European expansion, early globalization and micro-global history on the local level. Her research interests also include early modern urban societies, material culture, gender history, Reformation and confessionalization, and early capitalism. She is especially interested in the methodological possibilities and challenges of digital history. Susanna Burghartz is project leader of a research project analyzing Basel intelligencers in the 18th and 19th century, funded by the SNFS, and co-editor of a new urban history of Basel. She holds positions in a vast array of professional associations and academic institutions.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ettinger
![[Translate to English:] Ulrich Ettinger](/fileadmin/user_upload/europa/Ueber_uns/Kateki-sama/Profilfotos/ulrich-ettinger.jpg?1608315367)
Ulrich Ettinger is professor of psychology at the Department of Psychology of the University of Bonn. He is head of the Section of Cognitive Psychology and vice dean of research and international affairs of the Faculty of Philosophy. Ettinger studied psychology and neuroscience at the University of London and obtained his PhD from King’s College. After postdoctoral research and research fellowships in London and in Montreal, he was head of a DFG Emmy-Noether-Group at the Department of Psychiatry at the LMU Munich. Since 2012, he is professor at the University of Bonn and since 2018 Visiting Professor at King’s College London. He is deputy spokesperson for the Centre for Mind Research (CMR).His research interests include experimental cognitive psychopharmacology, eye movements, schizophrenia and schizotypy, inhibition and impulsivity, as well as behavioural and molecular genetics of cognition and brain function and structure.
Dr. Dragan Filimonovic

Dragan Filimonovic is is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies and at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel. After completing his BA studies in Belgrade, he earned a MSc and PhD at the University of Basel. His PhD thesis exploits exogenous events to evaluate the effects of public policies on labor supply, household consumption and enforcement of law. His research interests include empirical international economics, public economics and applied microeconometrics.
Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch
![[Translate to English:] Madeleine Herren-Oesch](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/f/csm_Madleine-Herren_bearbeitet_bdc61e6048.jpg?1725349456)
Madeleine Herren-Oesch is professor of modern history and director of the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. A specialist in the field of the history of international organizations and transnational movements as well as in global history, she combines methods of transdisciplinary and collaborative research and teaching. In her recent research projects, she investigates how historical research can benefit from the new tools and possibilities of digital humanities and how the transgression of disciplinary borders can contribute to a timely education for young academics. She is project leader of several research projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and serves in different capacities in academic institutions in Switzerland and abroad.
Cornelia Knab
Cornelia Knab is scientific manager of the Institute for European Global Studies and research associate in European and global history. After her MA studies in modern history and musicology at the Universities of Heidelberg and Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), she earned her PhD in Modern History at Heidelberg University on the history of international cooperation to contain contagious animal diseases. Her research interests include European and global history, methodologies and theories of global history and of European Global Studies, the history of internationalism and international organization as well as the history of epidemics, epizootics, veterinary medicine and agricultural internationalism.
Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg
![[Translate to English:] Volker Kronenberg](/fileadmin/user_upload/europa/Ueber_uns/Kateki-sama/Profilfotos/volker-kronenberg.jpg?1608315530)
Volker Kronenberg is Professor of Political Science at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn and Honorary Professor at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. He studied political science, constitutional law and sociology and, after a research stay at the Free University of Berlin, received his doctorate and habilitation at the University of Bonn. In 2010 he was appointed honorary professor at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. He has been a full professor at the University of Bonn since 2014 and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy since 2018. Committed to political science as a "practical science", Kronenberg combines aspects of contemporary history, intellectual history and party history with the analysis of current processes in democracy, parliamentarianism and political culture.
Dr. Philippe Major

Philippe Major is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. After his studies of history and East Asian studies in Canada and Taiwan, he completed his PhD in philosophy at the National University of Singapore. After holding positions at the KU Leuven and the Academia Sinica in Taipei, he is currently working as member of the SNSF-funded research project "The Exterior of Philosophy: On the Practice of New Confucianism". His research interests include modern Confucian philosophy, sociology of philosophy, modern Chinese intellectual history and the New Culture Movement (1915 – 1927).
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
![[Translate to English:] Maximilian Mayer](/fileadmin/user_upload/europa/Ueber_uns/Kateki-sama/Profilfotos/maximilian-mayer.jpg?1608316001)
Maximilian Mayer is Junior-Professor of International Relations and Global Politics of Technology at University of Bonn. He was assistant professor at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, research fellow at Renmin University Beijing, research professor at Tongji University, Shanghai and senior researcher at the Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technical University Munich. He worked at the Bonn University’s Center for Global Studies (CGS) as managing assistant and senior fellow, holds an MA from Ruhr University Bochum and obtained his PhD at Bonn University. His research interests include the global politics of science, innovation, and technology; China’s foreign and energy policy; global energy and climate politics; theories of International Relations. His publications include China’s Energy Thirst: Myth or Reality? (2007 together with Xuewu Gu), Changing orders: transdiciplinary analysis of global and local realities (2008, co-editer), two-volumes on The Global Politics of Science and Technology (2014, lead editor).
Lerato Posholi

Lerato Posholi is research fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies. After completing her BA and MA studies in philosophy at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, she worked on her doctoral research on the entanglements of knowledge and power and their implications for the curriculum. In doing so, she contributed to Prof. Ralph Weber's research area European Global Knowledge Production. Her research interests include on curriculum studies, philosophy of education, epistemology and sociology of knowledge. currently member of the SNSF-funded research project Reversing the Gaze: Towards Post-Comparative Area Studies.
PD Dr. Jens Rometsch

Jens Rometsch is Akademischer Oberrat (senior research associate and lecturer) at the Chair of Epistemology, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Bonn. He studied philosophy, Romance languages and literature and English Studies at the Universities of Freiburg i. Br., Nice and Heidelberg and obtained his PhD in 2006 at Heidelberg University. After working as a research associate and lecturer in Heidelberg, he has since 2009 worked at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bonn, where he concluded his habilitation in 2017. In his research, he focuses on European philosophy of the early modern period, on classical German philosophy (especially Kant and Hegel) and its consequences, on theoretical philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, and hermeneutics.
Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler
Christa Tobler is professor of European Law at the Institute for European Global Studies and at the Europa Institute of the University of Leiden (Netherlands). She obtainted her PhD in law at the University of Zurich. She has two research specialisations: 1) legal equality and discrimination in both economic and social law, and 2) the special legal relationship between the EU and Switzerland. At the Institute for European Global Studies, she leads a research project funded by the SNFS on Age Discrimination in Employment Law and Social Security Law. She appears regularly in the media in Switzerland and abroad as an expert in the field of European law.
Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber

Ralph Weber is associate professor of European Global Studies and director of the MA and PhD programs in European Global Studies at the University of Basel. His research interests include European global knowledge production, particularly European Studies in a global perspective and the question of Eurocentrism; 20th century Confucianism, Chinese political philosophy and comparative philosophy; and contemporary Swiss-Chinese relations and Chinese politics in its European and global implications. He is project leader of several research projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and other institutions, and regularly active as an expert on Chinese politics in Swiss and international media.