
/ People

Laurent Goetschel leitet Workshop in Laos

Prof. Laurent Goetschel hat einen Workshop zur Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaftlern und politischen Entscheidungsträgern in Laos geleitet. Die Veranstaltung fand vom 8. bis 9. September in Vientiane statt.

/ Organizational Unit

A Word of Welcome from the Rector of the University of Basel

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andrea Schenker-Wicki supports the Institute for European Global Studies with a word of welcome addressing the interested public. In particular, the Rector of the University of Basel emphasizes in her letter the…

/ Research

Working Lunch with Janine Dumont and Leila Neimane

This semester's second Working Lunch was held on Tuesday, September 29, in the auditorium. The invited speakers were: Janine Dumont and Leila Neimane.

/ Studies

MA European Global Studies: Information Event for First-Term Students

An introductory session on Tuesday, September 15, provided first-term students with useful information for the upcoming semester. The event took place at 16.15 pm in the Auditorium and the Salon.

/ Research

Working Lunch with Ann-Sophie Schoepfel

On Tuesday, September 15, at 12.15, the Institute for European Global Studies welcomed guests to the semester's first Working Lunch at the auditorium. The speaker was Ann-Sophie Schoepfel.

/ People

Interview with Teresa Pullano

Prof. Dr. Teresa Pullano is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies. Previously, she has worked at Sciences Po Paris, at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre, at Columbia University, New York, and at the…

/ People

Ralph Weber über politische Experimente in China

Ralph Weber hat einen Vortrag über politische Experimente in der Volksrepublik China gehalten. Der Assistenzprofessor für European Global Studies sprach am 4. September am Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi.

/ Events

EIB-Diskussionsabend: Fazit aus OSZE-Konferenz in Basel

Die Ministerkonferenz der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) in Basel war das Thema einer Abendveranstaltung am Europainstitut auf Einladung des Förder- und Alumnivereins. Eingeladen waren dazu Raphael Nägeli…

/ People

Madeleine Herren-Oesch zu Transregionaler Forschung

Transregionale Forschung ist das Thema eines Interviews mit Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch, Direktorin des Europainstitutes der Universität Basel. Der Beitrag ist in dem Weblog "TRAFO" des Forum Transregionale Studien und der Max Weber…

/ Research

International Research Award in Global History 2016

The Universities of Heidelberg, Basel and Sydney are proud to announce the International Research Award in Global History, to be awarded for the second time in 2016. The successful applicant will receive up to €10,000 towards the…