

Fahne China und Schweiz in Bern

/ News, Forschung, People

EIB-Studie zur Situation der uigurischen und tibetischen Gemeinschaften in der Schweiz: Bundesratsbericht und Medienecho

Zahlreiche nationale und internationale Medien berichten über eine Studie von Ralph Weber, Shrey Kapoor, Selina Morell und Barbara von Rütte über die Einflussnahme chinesischer Akteure auf uigurische und tibetische Gemeinschaften in der…
North-West University / Lerato Posholi

/ News, Forschung

Lerato Posholi presents at PSSA Annual Conference

Lerato Posholi presented a paper titled “Conceptualizing Epistemic Appropriation” at the annual conference of the Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA) hosted by the North-West University. In contrast to current accounts that…
Book Cover Thesis Sebastian Meyer

/ News, Doktorat, People

New Book Publication about Migration Management in the EU by Sebastian Meyer

Sebastian Meyer has published his thesis on how EU member states manage migration between national sovereignty and EU membership. He is an expert in EU law, specializing in constitutional and institutional issues. His research focuses on EU…
Logo / Christa Tobler

/ News, Events

Christa Tobler zu Gast am Kaminfeuergespräch «Schweiz in Europa»

Christa Tobler nahm als Panelteilnehmerin am internationalen «Braunwald-Inferno»-Kamingespräch teil, das vom 17. bis 19. Januar 2025 im Glarner Bergdorf Braunwald stattfand. Der Schwerpunkt des Gesprächs lag auf den Verhandlungen zwischen…
On the left handside, there is a photo of Christa Tobler. On the right, there is a reproduction of the logo of the College of Europe in Natolin.

/ News, People, Weitere

Guest Seminar by Christa Tobler at the College of Europe in Natolin

Professor Christa Tobler has organised a guest seminar together with Professor Adam Łazowski, Visiting Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the College of Europe in Natolin. The seminar session…