
Links: Logo der Universität Bern und Cover des Veranstaltungleaflets. Rechts: Photo von Barbara von Rütte.

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Barbara von Rütte mit Workshop an den 19. Schweizerischen Migrationsrechtstagen

In welcher Beziehung steht die Schweiz zur Europäischen Union und den migrationsrechtlichen Entwicklungen in Europa? Dieser und weiterer Fragen widmete sich Barbara von Rütte in einem von ihr mitorganisierten Workshop zum Thema…
Yim Fon Chan / Conference Visual

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Yim Fong Chan at the EACS Conference in Tallinn

Yim Fong Chan presented a paper titled “Defending His Vision of Social Progress: Liang Shuming’s Resilience During the ‘Criticize Lin, Criticize Kong Campaign’ in 1974” at the 25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese…
Ralph Weber / CODESRIA Logo

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Ralph Weber at Summer School in Dakar

Ralph Weber contributed to the 6th CODESRIA/CASB Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa, held from August 26-30, 2024, in Dakar, Senegal. His lecture, titled 'Untangling Global Knowledge for Science to Policy…
Yim Fong Chan / Conference Visual

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Yim Fong Chan at the World Congress of Philosophy in Rome

Yim Fong Chan gave a presentation entitled “Liang Shuming’s Concept of Lixing: His Effort in Safeguarding Confucianism During the Cultural Revolution” at the World Congress of Philosophy. The congress was held from 1-8 August 2024, at…
Ralph Weber / ECPR Logo

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Ralph Weber Gave a Lecture at ECPR General Conference in Dublin

Ralph Weber presented his research on identifying responsible actors of transnational repression for the Chinese Party-State at the ECPR General Conference, which took place from 12 to 15 August 2024, in Dublin. His lecture was on the panel…
WCEH Logo / Lars von Felten-Kury

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Lars von Felten-Kury at the Fourth WCEH in Finnland

Lars von Felten-Kury gave a presentation titled “Mosquito Engineering: Environmental Infrastructure and the Entry Question on the Strait of Malacca’s Eastern Front” at the Fourth World Congress of Environmental History (WCEH). The…
The image shows a photo of Ariane Knüsel (left) and a photo of Ralph Weber (right). In the middle, there is the cover of the book Die Schweiz und China.

/ News, Forschung, Events, Weitere

Buchvernissage: «Die Schweiz und China» von Ariane Knüsel und Ralph Weber ist erschienen

Ariane Knüsel und Ralph Weber präsentieren ihr neues Buch «Die Schweiz und China: Von den Opiumkriegen bis zur neuen Seidenstrasse» im Rahmen einer feierlichen Vernissage am Europainstitut. Die Monografie ist im August 2024 beim Züricher…
On the right, the image shows Ralph Weber. On the left, there is the cover of the book «Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities» as well as the logo of the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome.

/ News, Forschung, Weitere

Ralph Weber at the World Congress of Philosophy in Rome

Ralph Weber was co-presenter of a roundtable entitled «Boundaries of Philosophy: Reflections on Pluralism in the Practice and Methodology of Comparative Philosophy» at Sapienza University of Rome. The event was part of the 25th World…
Logos des DAAD und des Forums Internationale Wissenschaft der Universität Bonn. Foto von Barbara von Rütte

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Barbara von Rütte als Mitorganisatorin und Vortragende der DAAD-Sommeruniversität

Barbara von Rütte organisierte gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftler*innen der Universität Bonn und der Universität Münster die 10. Sommeruniversität des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdiensts zum Thema «Aushandlungsprozesse über Flucht und…
The photograph shows Barbara von Rütte and Further Participants of the Workshop «Reimagining Mobility and Membership» at the University of Frankfurt.

/ News, Forschung, Weitere

Barbara von Rütte Has Presented at the University of Frankfurt

Barbara von Rütte has given a talk entitled «Selecting Citizens: Boundary Making Through Nationality in the Case of Switzerland» at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. The presentation was part of the international workshop «Reimagining…