

Logos des DAAD und des Forums Internationale Wissenschaft der Universität Bonn. Foto von Barbara von Rütte

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Barbara von Rütte als Mitorganisatorin und Vortragende der DAAD-Sommeruniversität

Barbara von Rütte organisierte gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftler*innen der Universität Bonn und der Universität Münster die 10. Sommeruniversität des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdiensts zum Thema «Aushandlungsprozesse über Flucht und…
The photograph shows Barbara von Rütte and Further Participants of the Workshop «Reimagining Mobility and Membership» at the University of Frankfurt.

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Barbara von Rütte Has Presented at the University of Frankfurt

Barbara von Rütte has given a talk entitled «Selecting Citizens: Boundary Making Through Nationality in the Case of Switzerland» at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. The presentation was part of the international workshop «Reimagining…
Logos of the Deutsches Museum and the Technical University of Munich | Photo of Lars von Felten-Kury.

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Lars von Felten-Kury Has Given a Talk at the TU Munich

Lars von Felten-Kury has given a talk entitled «Infrastructuring Empire: The Strait of Malacca and the Making of an Environmental Transit Corridor, c. 1870-1920» at the Technical University of Munich. The lecture covered theoretical and…
Logo of the BRISMES Annual Conference 2024 | Portrait Photo of Noureddine Wenger

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Noureddine Wenger Presented at the BRISMES Annual Conference

Noureddine Wenger gave a talk entitled «The End of Postcolonialism? Arab Perspectives on a Global Debate» at the annual conference of the British Society of Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) at Lancaster University. This year’s edition of…
Book Cover Liquid Empire / Corey Ross

/ News, Forschung, People

New Book by Corey Ross

How have the waters of the colonial world shaped the age of empire? This is the topic of a new monograph by Corey Ross. The book entitled “Liquid Empire: Water and Power in the Colonial World” offers a fresh account of European Imperialism…