/ Organisation

Atsushi Shibasaki Takes up Visiting Professorship at the Institute

Members and friends of the EIB cordially welcome Prof. Atsushi Shibasaki (Komazawa University, Tokyo) as a Visiting Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies. He will stay at the Institute from April 2017 to March 2018.

Prof. Shibasaki’s research interests cover a wide range: His work focuses on the historical development of international cultural relations and policies in modern Japan, on philosophical investigations on the making of global and international consciousness in modern Japan, as well as on theoretical analysis of the historical development of International Relations theory. He has published three books and one co-edited volume in Japanese.

Most recently, he has co-edited the book Deconstructing the Westphalian Discourse: International Relations as Historiography (Nakanishiya Publishing, 2016). His research has just been presented at the ISA annual conference in Baltimore. One of his ongoing research subjects is the political and cultural influence of Bob Dylan.

Atsushi Shibasaki has received a PhD in International Relations from the University of Tokyo (Japan) and now works as a professor at the Faculty of Global Media Studies (GMS) of Komazawa University in Tokyo.