/ Forschung

E-Journal "Global Europe" on Brexit

Cover Photo: Marc Eggimann Fotografie www.marceggimann.ch, with the support of Port of Switzerland

"Brexit: What can the United Kingdom learn from Swiss-European Union Relations?" is the title of an article by Philippe G. Nell. The article has been published in the e-journal "Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective".

The article highlights some of the specificities of Swiss-EU relations, the costs for Switzerland if it were to lose access to the EU Single Market and some first related implications for the UK. To begin with, the EU is a very important economic partner for both Switzerland and the UK. The challenge for the UK will clearly be to obtain free trade with selective integration in specific areas such as financial services, the automobile industry, airlines landing rights and nuclear energy. Emphasis is put on the EU position regarding a strong institutional framework, a homogeneous market and the free movement of persons. The analysis highlights the difficulty to partially join the Single Market without systematically taking over EU new legal provisions and accepting EU Court of Justice interpretations of EU pertinent law. Based on the Swiss experience, the article points to some red lines, which ought to be of interest for the UK.

Philippe G. Nell has taught a course at the Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel from 1993 till 2016. He is a Private Docent at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg, holds a PhD in International Studies from the University of Denver and Masters from Denver, Carleton University in Ottawa and Fribourg. He is Head of the Americas Unit at the State Secretariat of Economic Affairs in Bern and has published numerous articles and a book on integration and trade policy.

"Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective" is an academic e-journal showcasing the excellent research of graduates as well as other young and senior scholars interested in analyzing Europe and the EU in a global context. The journal is published in two issues per year by the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. It is available via the websites www.europa.unibas.ch/global-europe and http://ub-ojs.ub.unibas.ch/ojs/index.php/global_europe/. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@clutterunibas.ch.
