/ Forschung
E-Journal "Global Europe" on Competitive Solidarity

"The Competitive Solidarity of European Integration" is the title of a new publication by Eva Hartmann. The paper has been published in the e-journal "Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective".
Based on Michel Foucault’s study of governmentality, Eva Hartmann further develops this perspective into the key concept of competitive solidarity. As a result, she provides interesting insights into the complexity of the attempt to establish European social connections, paving the way for a European society.
Eva Hartmann is assistant professor in Sociology and Political Economy at the Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School. Prior to joining the CBS, she studied, researched and taught at the universities of Basel, Lausanne, Frankfurt, Kassel, Hertfordshire, Zurich as well as at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and King’s College London. She is a former visiting scholar of the Institute for European Global Studies.
"Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective" is an academic e-journal. It provides insights into the excellent research of graduates, as well as other young and senior scientists who analyze the global implications of Europe and the European Union. The journal is published in four issues per year by the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. The publication is available on the website www.europa.unibas.ch/global-europe. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@clutterunibas.ch.