/ Forschung
E-Journal "Global Europe" on Immigration

"Black City and White Country. Immigration and Identity in the History of British Decolonization" is the title of a new publication by Benedikt Stuchtey. The article has been published in the e-journal "Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective".
In his article, the author looks at the question of integrative and disintegrative elements of imperial rule in multiethnic societies and identifies lines of continuity between the imperial past and post-imperial realities: What influence did immigration have on the construction of self-image in Britain after the Second World War, and what historical continuities existed, particularly with respect to ethnic policies?
Benedikt Stuchtey holds the Chair of Modern History at the University of Marburg. His special field of interest is the history of colonialism and imperialism from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth centuries. In 2012/13, he held a Visiting Professorship at the University of Basel.
"Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective" is an academic e-journal. It provides insights into the excellent research of graduates, as well as other young and senior scientists who analyze the global implications of Europe and the European Union. The journal is published in four issues per year by the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. The publication is available on the website www.europa.unibas.ch/global-europe. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@clutterunibas.ch.