/ Forschung

EU Security & Defence Policy as PR: Working Lunch with Stephanie Anderson

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Anderson (University of Wyoming) will be the speaker at our working lunch on November 29 at 12.15. She will talk about how the EU's identity at home and abroad is shaped by the organisation's common security & defence policy missions.

"'To Assert Its Identity on the International Scene':  The EU's Common Security & Defence Policy Missions as Public Relations" is the title of Prof. Anderson's presentation covering some of her research at the Institute for European Global Studies. In her project, she applies social constructivism and narrative communication theory to the case studies of Bosnia, Kosovo, and Aceh. The aim of the project is to compare the EU's image of itself, as depicted in informational videos and press releases, with the local community's image of the EU, and explores what happens when they conflict on the ground.

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Anderson is Associate Professor for Political Science at the University of Wyoming. She has studied at Georgetown University and at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She holds a PhD from Cambridge University. Her research focus is on: The European Union as an international actor, international relations and security studies. During her stay at the Institute for European Global Studies, she will work on her project "When Narratives Collide: How news coverage and social media in EU crisis management missions affect the EU's identity at home and abroad".