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Europainstitut Summer Barbecue

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024, the Europainstitut hosted its annual barbecue. Around 70 students, employees, and friends of the Institute gathered in the garden of the Sandgrube to indulge in a lovely dinner and exchange with colleagues.
While the Europainstitut summer barbecue has traditionally taken place under rather mixed weather conditions, this year, the “environmental circumstances” proved more than favorable. Be it a coincidence or a symbolic acknowledgment of the Institute’s growing interest in environmental humanities, the sunny and warm weather created a perfect atmosphere for lively discussions and exchanges. Around 70 students, employees, and friends enjoyed a delightful meal with a varied selection of grilled dishes as well as homemade salads and desserts, with many of them staying until late in the evening.
The barbecue was sponsored by the Förder- und Alumniverein of the Europainstitut. As an association under Swiss law, the Förder- und Alumniverein Europainstitut Basel serves to promote the Institute. It does so through providing support for events such as the annual graduation ceremony of the MA program in European Global Studies, among other things. A further aim of the association is to maintain contact between former and current students of the Europainstitut.