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Europakolloquium on the Political Economy of the Euro-Crisis
“The Political Economy of the Euro-Crisis” was the topic of an Europakolloquium with Mario Pianta, Full Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. The colloquium took place at the Institute for European Global Studies on Thursday, May 7, 2015, at 6.15pm.
Prof. Dr. Mario Pianta is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Society and Politics. His research focuses on the current crisis and economic policies; economic growth and innovation; inequality, distribution and innovation; technology and employment; analysis of innovation; international political economy; globalisation and social activism.
The Europakolloquium with Prof. Pianta on "The Political Economy of the Euro-Crisis" took place on Thursday, May 7 2015, at 6.15pm at the Institute for European Global Studies.
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