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Monica Prasad: Keynote Lecture on Money in US Politics

Photo: 123rf.com (left); Northwestern University (right)

Prof. Monica Prasad (Northwestern University) talked about the role of money in US politics in a public lecture on December 2 in Basel. The event at the Kollegiengebäude was the public keynote lecture at the conference "Global Histories of Taxation and State Finances Since the Late 19th Century".

"Running to Stay in Place: Money in American Politics" was the title of Prof. Prasad's lecture. Prasad's research focus has been on the rise of neoliberalism, the development of tax systems, the effects of carbon taxes, and the persistence of poverty in America. She used some of her findings explaining how wealth affects politics in the United States.

Monica Prasad is a Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University. Her most recent book, "The Land of Too Much", was the 2014 co-winner of the American Sociological Association's award for the best book in sociology. She also published "The Politics of Free Markets: The Rise of Neoliberal Economic Policies in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States" (2006) and "The New Fiscal Sociology Taxation in Comparative and Historical Perspective" (2009). She was named a Guggenheim Fellow in 2015.

The lecture "Running to Stay in Place: Money in American Politics" took place on Friday, December 2, at the Kollegiengebäude, HS 117, Petersplatz 1 in Basel. It was part of the international symposium "Global Histories of Taxation and State Finances Since the Late 19th Century", the conference of the Laureate of the 2016 International Research Award in Global History.