/ Forschung
Neue Publikation: The Nation State and Beyond
Dieses Buch, herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Isabella Löhr, Assistentin am Europainstitut, und Roland Wenzlhuemer, Gastdozent, beleuchtet die Globalisierung aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln.
Lesen Sie die Rezension von Vincent Lagendijk, Universität Maastricht, für geschichte.transnational und H-Soz-u-Kult.
This book, adorned by a photo of the Exiles Water Polo team of Aden, is a new addition to the Springer series Transcultural Research - Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context, edited by Isabella Löhr (formerly Heidelberg University, now Basel University) and Roland Wenzlhuemer (Heidelberg University). It brings together contributions to a conference at Heidelberg in 2009.[1]
In the introduction, Löhr and Wenzlhuemer immediately spell out the main message of the book: "the history of globalisation is anything but a no-frills affair" (p. 2).[2] Instead, they argue that the process of globalisation both connects and fragments, does not follow a clear and unidirectional path, and has an uneven spread over the globe. Going beyond simply introducing the contributions in the volume, the authors base themselves on a close and careful reading of the state-of-the-art on this topic in a number of languages. The main question addressed by the volume reads: where does the nation-state fit into these globalising forces, in a climate where historians try to overcome methodological nationalism? All chapters speak to this issues and thus answer what Löhr and Wenzlhuemer call for, namely 'another reading of the role and significance of the nation state', as it certainly has not disappeared under the forces of globalisation.[3] At the same time, none of the chapters simply assume the primacy of the nation-state as an historical actor.