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Public Event on Korea and the Changing Global Security Landscape

North Korea Event

Asia Society Switzerland and the Institute for European Global Studies have hosted a conversation with North Korea expert Dr. John Park (Harvard Kennedy School). The public event took place on May 30, 2018, at Volkshaus Basel.

What is the strategic vision of North Korea? Is it regime survival? Deterrence? Or does North Korea strive towards a more concrete goal? What does that mean in regard to denuclearization? How and to what extent can a summit meeting between US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un change the whole political security dynamics in North East Asia?

The situation on the Korean Peninsula, and in North Korea in particular, is now more than ever a matter of international interest. The media coverage of this area and with all its geopolitical challenges is extensive – with each new article pointing towards a new direction. While much of this information is still speculation, we attempted to shed some light on these pressing questions in a conversation with North Korea expert John Park.

Dr. John Park, alumnus of Asia Society's Asia 21 Young Leaders Network, is one of the leading experts on North Korea and nuclear issues and a well-known, widely recognized keynote speaker on these subject matters. He is the Director of the Korea Working Group and an Adjunct Lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School. He advises Northeast Asia policy-focused officials at the US Departments of Defense, State, and the Treasury, as well as on the US National Security Council and Congressional committees.

The public conversation with Dr. John Park was entitled «The Korean Peninsula and the Changing Global Security Landscape», and took place on May 30, 2018, from 6:30pm to 8pm at Volkshaus Basel (Rebgasse 12-14). The event was organized by Asia Society Switzerland and the Institute for European Global Studies.

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